And she illustrates it beautifully in sound and pictures. A reminder of what drives us who have a passion for sustainable development.
Click on the link to see the presentation.
Using inventing techniques to show the way to the sustainable society. With a technique called "Image Streaming" visiting "visualised places". Join us!
Planned Powerdown describes a situation where, due to shortfall between supply and demand, the per capita energy intensity of a community is reduced whilst living standards are maintained at a democratically accepted level. More and more evidence is piling up that a liquid fuels shortage is coming. Public and private organizations will be debating the need for planned powerdown.
Liquid fuel scarcity changes the rules of business radically and brings sustainable development issues further into focus.
This paper is for officers in the public and private sector alike. Its purpose is to describe what we believe are the main aspects organizations need to consider in order for them to begin to craft energy depletion management strategies.
For each of the main points the paper provides further reading and analysis.
Look no further. To understand the state of the planet’s ecosystems, and how far they are threatened by collapse, and to what extent these threaten our well-being we refer you to The Millennium Assessment. It was launched by U.N. Secretary- General Kofi Annan in June 2001 and was completed in March 2005.
The work of hundreds of scientists from every corner of the globe, the research assesses the state of the Earth’s ecosystem from the point of view of its ability to provide us well-being.
The MA synthesizes information from the scientific literature, datasets, and scientific models, and includes knowledge held by the private sector, practitioners, local communities and indigenous peoples. All of the MA findings undergo rigorous peer review. More than 1,300 authors from 95 countries have been involved in four expert working groups preparing the global assessment, and hundreds more continue to undertake more than 20 sub-global assessments.
See the TV interview with Former BP CEO Percy discussing corporate reaction to climate, ecosystems report.
Read the high-level summary here
Dear Porena,
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Jon Cheek
Jonathan Cheek
Zinio Systems, Inc.
Tel. 415.494.2743
The Strategy contains objectives and targets for walking and identifies the strategies for achieving them.
All praise to Essex in understanding the fundamentals of sustainability having humans do what is natural for them: enjoying this wonderful Earth and walking around.
As we see the non-sustainability of the fueled continuous transport society as well as the couch potato/salary slave tied to computer lifestyle the simple solution of walking will come more and more to thefore.
We urge all planners , architects, forward thinkers and business people to bring walking more into focus!
We would like to see more development of hand carts and similar tools so for example:
To keep cars away from residential areas you park a long way from your house but you can still bring all luggage, shopping etc easily to your door with communal carts.