Photo from Melbourne, Australia: food for thought as the guide said "we wish!" about this monument. It is to commemorate the union struggle for the 40 hour week. Eight hours work, eight hours leisure, eight hours sleep.
In the sustainable world of PORENA, people in the go-along society probably not even need this.
The other interesting thing about this in the maths is to work out how many hours a year this would make and how many days work a year.
I make it 200 days gives 1600 hours a year and
225 gives 1800.
Anyway, taking the higher figure of 1800 hours of work a year, that means you get 365-225 = 140 hours of weekends and bank holidays
16* 140 = 2,240
225 *8 = 1,800
TOTAL = 4040 hours of lesiure a year
Why the go-along society uses less hours is that it REQUIRES LESS WORK as it is focussed on direct provision of the living services needed by citizens, instead of the round about tooing and froing of information and goods and large amounts of materials required to run our present set-up.
Even today, if you want to work for sustainability reckon you could take, say an eigth of that for working in say, a voluntary currency scheme or even in the eco-unit.
But why does it not feel like we have 124% more lesiure time than worktime?
1) we spend a lot of time in cars
2) we spend a lot of time travelling to work
3) we are tired after work and it is harder to appreciate it
4) we never really got into the perspective we have lots of time we have the attitude we don't have enough time and then we feel we don't.
5) another reason I can't think of
Anyway, my conclusion is
Reduce commuting time
Reduce travelling time
Work on the attitude
Get in schemes that produce living services directly without the need for round-about.