Thursday, December 05, 2002

Tapescript Journey 3 part 2
I try a new tactic. I enter the information booth for the local transport system, and ask the clerk if I can see the world through her eyes.

Porena POD.
Porena has a local system of POD trams.

Small cars, computer controlled running on conventional tracks. The trams only stop where people want to get on or off.

You program your destination at the station, and a POD going in that direction stops. You confirm your destination as you board and off the tram goes.

They find their own way through the rail network.

One advantage is that the system fits demand always. No timetable.

The A train and the C train connect with the POD system.

The PODS are driven by solar cells on the roof and by collectors at the stations.

The whole system is designed to be as unobtrusive as possible and blend into the landscape.

The D train is an intercity train running in tunnels to separate the technosphere from the biosphere

End of tapescript Journey three part 2

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