Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Japanese show the behavior change route to sustainability

In my last post (and earlier missives) I noted that behaviour is the key starting point to address sustainability issues.

If you remember from the posts about community action I proposed an 8 step approach.

1) identify concerns and assets in the region

2) identify the behaviour associated with the concern

3) analyse the systems affecting behaviour

4) define reasonable behaviour level

5) plan measures across the board

6) plan “marketing” campaign

7) get approval of stakeholders

8) implement and monitor

This is EXACTLY how the Japanese have started to address energy security concerns

1) A government report urges Japan to secure channels for a stable energy supply as global energy demand is expected to surge in the next 25 years. The paper said Japan needs to continue energy stockpiling, conserve more energy and reduce its dependence on oil and other resource imports to lower the risk of an energy shortage

2) Government officials follow the custom of dressing in suit and ties, even in summer. Many feel the strict dress coded preserves dignity. A cool 25 degree indoors though means hefty air conditioning bills.

3) The dress code and the air temperature control systems are the major contributory factors

4) It would be reasonable to forego the code for lighter clothing and reduce air conditioning

5) The government plans to introduce a casual dress code and raise the indoor temperature to 28 degrees

6) Chief Cabinet Secretary and Hiroyuki Hosoda, appeared on TV demonstrating the government’s new energy-saving dress code clad in a new blue dress shirt without tie or jacket,

7) Jiro Kawasaki, chairman of the Lower House Steering Committee, has asked major parties to consider new no-tie dress codes for summer.

We applaud this activity as it demonstrates simply how we all can work to reduce energy costs and still maintain or even improve the quality of life. Often more benefits come from this approach. Suits need dry cleaning, which uses solvents and who needs those ties anyway?

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