Journey 1 part 2
I seem to be approaching a greenhouse. I take a look inside - they're growing tomatoes. A man is in the greenhouse, he appears to be working here. That's clever – there's even another activity in the area. Where you grow is where you walk is where you treat water and recycle sewage. And, they are taking every opportunity to grow food. That's a nice expression and a nice principle.
I am eager to explore this method...
I could try to ask the man a few questions.
"Excuse me what's going on here?"
"It's just a greenhouse."
"Do you work here?" "Yes I do."
"How do you distribute the food?"
"People come and pick it when they want to".
"What about payment?" I ask, used to everything costing - I feel I've said something really stupid and that he knows something I have no idea about because he just laughs and smiles. Interesting. There seem to be many secrets here.
"What about the covers I saw outside the lift?"
"we don't use them on tomatoes."
How do you get around the city?"
"We walk, that's the way to do it."
End of tapecript Journey 1 part 2